Our experienced environmental monitors support construction through boots-on-the-ground inspection of site conditions to ensure compliance with regulatory approvals and plans.

  • Site-specific environmental documentation is critical in the identification and communication of environmental sensitivities. Environmental Protection Plans (EPP) and Environmental Construction Operation (ECO) Plans ensure environmental impact mitigation strategies are in alignment with regulatory authorizations and best-management practices. By understanding construction practices, we can help develop creative solutions to constructing in and near sensitive environments.

  • Prior to in-stream construction, our technicians conduct background sampling to establish the chemical and physical characteristics of the waterbody. During construction, we use these values to monitor turbidity (measured as total suspended solids (TSS)) to be compared with regulated thresholds. 

  • Assessing post-construction soil characteristics and vegetation communities ensures that regulatory and land-owner commitments are satisfied and documented. Through detailed assessment of biophysical elements, clients can effectively measure the success of their right-of-way reclamation, and identify deficiencies. Our team of professional agrologists and technicians is here to help!

  • Experienced in navigating municipal, provincial, and federal regulatory frameworks, Black Fly supports clients from project inception through to closure. Evolving with rapidly changing regulatory environments, we effectively liaise with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) to acquire regulatory approvals.

  • Environmental compliance management means adopting a proactive approach to environmental performance and due diligence. Through implementing compliance management tools such as site audits and inspections, we can help clients ensure that conditions of approval are met and opportunities for continuous improvement are identified.